
I'm so glad that this frenetic sitar music helped you feel some relief, though I won't be entirely sorry if it doesn't make another appearance for a little while! πŸ˜…

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I'm just taking notes as I read...

1. Last Temptation of Christ score/soundtrack was amazing.

2. There is some general weirdness about Michael Jackson, I will admit. There's also a lot of bullshit. One of the kids that made those allegations recently came out and said they did it at the behest of parents looking for a payday.

3. Anyway. His artistic career is a monument, going back to childhood. I bite my thumb at you, sir.

4. More to the point... I've been kinda choosing stuff at random and listening to it, and it has exposed a lot of new things to me, as has our music series, my music series, etc. Sitar music (and, weirdly, harpsichord music) has always been soothing for me. There's actually an episode of EUrEKA with sitar music as a plot point.

Ok, that's enough to be going on about. Great post, call me if you need to chat.

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