
Before COVID Trump's economic policy wasn't at all "conservative" he did sign a bill that lowered taxes, but there were never equivalent cuts to government expenses.

Trump has campaigned as did other Republicans to do the following: Cut Taxes, increase military spending, and "balance the budget" all while not touching either Social Security or Medicare. This was not a serious proposition as there isn't enough discretionary expenses that could be cut that could make that happen.

It's just as pointless as the progressive refrain of somehow making the US "Carbon Neutral" and entirely operating on renewable energy without using Nuclear Power and just stating that "technology will advance and everything will work out." It's not a serious plan.

Voters don't want serious plans. They want plans that are all positives with no negatives. This is not how the world works. Policy decisions usually have winners and losers.

Trump has no policy platform at the moment. His platform seems to be pure unadulterated populism. He sees the old Republican Establishment as an entity that did him wrong. So many Republicans are jockeying to kiss his ring at a chance of furthering their own ambitions. If Trump gets another term there will be no "adults in the room" tempering his worst impulses.

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I'll also say this. We should all want ideally at least two political parties we could consider voting for. For my I would very much like the Republican Party to be better.

The only way that this country is getting serious policy proposals that make sense and a real vision for the future from the right is if this version of the Republican Party dies.

However what I want to see from the right is something that maybe the American Public doesn't want and all of this could be the result of an electorate and a population that is rotting from the bottom up, not the top down.

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I want a candidate that espouses Constitutional Conservatism. Unfortunately, hatred is the order of the day, and there's absolutely no chance of that happening.

I've had this conversation multiple times.

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It would be nice imo if there were ranked choices voting. This would allow for more ideological representation and you wouldn't have to worry about your vote helping the person you least want to win.

Right now the political parties are essentially ready-made coalitions. Americans are more diverse ideologically than our political parties would indicate. My problem with Republicans is that they have been fully taken over by reactionary populists.

The founding fathers naively didn't want parties and they thought the system then made would discourage partisanship by favoring the status-quo and essentially forcing compromise. It never worked out that way.

The winner-take all system without rank-choice is a guarantee of a two-party system being entrenched, which means a good portion of opinions are disregarded and voters have imperfect choices.

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And, of course, there's the very regular fact that this is the only president and serious repeat candidate who has been found liable for sexual assault. 😑

I am biased, of course, having experienced sexual assault, but I still don't understand under what belief system this is a person fit for the highest office in the land.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Author

And apparently very oddly no one seems to care. Was that ever even mentioned in the Republicans debates? Even at that point he was deemed liable.

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That's what I've been saying for eight damn years.

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You and me both, sister.

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I'm reminded of that famous quote from the Incredible Hulk TV show, when Bruce, I mean David Banner, says, "Mr. McGee, don't make me talk politics. You wouldn't like me when I talk politics." (I may have that slightly wrong.)

But sometimes we need the Hulk.

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Close enough, and hilarious. Thanks for that.

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Jan 28Liked by David Swindle 🟦

Apparently your polling found a Biden support piece might win some kickbacks from Ukraine?

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What the fuck are you on about, halfwit?

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P.S. I love hearing from Catholics that support and defend the human embodies of the Seven Deadly Sins

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Your experiential knowledge is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

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Again, what are talking about???

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Your superhuman knowledge and that reflected in the merits of the US Imperial Courts with chief executive a well respected incestous pedophile are beyond the comprehension of the drooling simple man. Thank God then for all the new recruits for labor intensive jobs coming across the southern border.

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Go type your nonsensical gibberish elsewhere.

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They pay quite well.

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Yep. Steady slide down the path to perdition, one bad President to the next. But just think how much worse it had been with Clinton?

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Killary would have faced a united Republican front.

Instead, we got cultist capitulation.

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I really wish I could post images here, but here's a link... https://www.facebook.com/BttHS/photos/pb.100063595779915.-2207520000/2801644416520131/?type=3

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Alot of Trump's bad habits were picked up consorting with those two.

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