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No mention of the animated series? Mask of the Phantasm? Other than that, I think this is a pretty solid list and solid opinions. Although I wouldn't rank Batman no. 1 or no. 2 on my list of personal favorite superheroes. Also, I don't even like the Dark Knight Rises that much, much less think it's the best Batman movie.

Batman is a detective; Batman needs to mostly be one step ahead of situations this is the opinion I agree with the most. I feel like too many batman adaptations forgets this fact. Also, Batman doesn't need to be dark OR comedic/campy it can be both. I think Tim Burton's Batman movies get that better than Nolan's. It's a shame that Heath Ledger's Joker kind of eventually overshadowed Jack Nicholson's joker both were great.

Overall, Batman movies have been strangely some of the worst examples of Hollywood blockbusters and best all with the same character. There are so many, arguably too many.

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