Breakfast proper. The Globe and Mail. I like my little, ordered life: The crossword with my second cup and all day long no sign of strife. Such comfort, order have their place. Yet deeper meaning calls the soul to love and be loved come what may and in the playhouse don a role. Yes don a costume proud or plain, be a king or right hand man, a better angel for the folk at war between can not and can. Or be conceiver 'gainst the sky of office towers and public halls or houses in the countryside where children play near brooks and falls. Or be a healer with one's hands by easing stress, relieving pain or solve the mysteries of disease, make broken bodies whole again. For me, perhaps, those are but dreams, my call the work not made with hands allowing soul to speak with soul 'cross many times, 'cross many lands. Right work, right love may be enough of meaning for my time alive, yet things unseen, though surely felt, can suddenly by stealth arrive. So like a dream that's not forgot, that on the surface seems absurd yet somehow holds the heart in thrall yet fails to yield itself in word.