God of the Desert Podcast
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I know someone with ptsd who received help with many different mecicines, many of which worked for various periods of time, until they didn't. He's received long-lasting results (after a second course) after going through a six week program of TransCranial Magnetic Stimulation., or TMS. So far, so good, and it's been a year. Ask your doctors about it. Insurance coverage in many/most cases.
Thanks Sharon! You're right about medications often lasting for various periods of time. I'm a little worried about that with this new batch, but we'll see how it goes.
I've heard of TransCranial Magnetic Stimulation and we were considering that while in Indiana. If this new medication routine ends up failing then I anticipate considering that seriously again. Thanks for reminding me about it.
The first course, which lasted 6 weeks, was moderately successful. When it became clear that they needed to try again, another course of TMS was ordered. Extremely successful and long/lasting, as far as I know.
Praying for your healing.