2 Fun Weird Al Songs In Celebration of Star Wars
These are two of the parody song master's best
Well, I’d hoped to offer a contribution to yesterday’s “May the Fourth Be With You” Star Wars celebration. I’m not the fan I used to be in my youth but I’ll still offer the franchise respect for its original cultural contributions and its role fueling my emotion in childhood.
So how about this for today: Weird Al’s “The Saga Begins” and “Yoda,” his creative reimagining of “American Pie” and “Lola” (which I’ll throw in too so you can do a bit of compare-and-contrast.)
A Note from Mike: This is the part where I post links to the rest of the series, but it’s getting a bit long. So, I’ll be maintaining THIS POST so you can go through the archives.
Mike's Music Morning Link Archive
APR 26